bhr sanctuary pony
Magic is a lovely and sweet little pony that came to Blue Horse Rescue in July 2022. He is guessed to be about 15 years old and he is about 32 inches from ground to withers. (This is also an guess since at the moment he is not touchable.)
Magic’s back story is …
he was rescued from a kill pen in Texas and was then in a loving and very kind home. He was very much afraid of people and despite a lot of love, training and human interaction he did not do well. His family felt that the environment played a huge factor in this and with a broken heart surrendered Magic to bhr.
The first few days Magic was with us he would shiver and tremble with any human interaction. At this point we decided to give him some herd therapy. BHR volunteers all agreed that we would not ‘inflict’ Magic with any human contact or unnecessary pressure and his only job was to destress, find his place in the herd and learn the daily routine of the rescue. Magic did this amazing well!
Magic has made huge amounts of progress, has made friends in our little herd, has found his place in the herd, (#2!) and has definitely learned the daily routine of the rescue. He’s the first one to be standing in front of his stall at evening feed. We are now at a point where we will gradually introduce human interaction. It’s a slow process where we celebrate every baby step along the way. This little guy really wants to participate in life at the rescue but he needs to be shown the way. His fear stops him. We will do our best to integrate him into a world of safe human interaction with slow training and a lot of love. So far he is doing amazingly well!
Sponsor Magic!
thank you!
Day #2 - I trashed my stall - the first thing I did was dump my water!