
Sunny is a 12 year old Paiute pony mare. Sunny’s introduction to the human world had a very rough start. As a foal, Sunny and her herd were removed from their home and transported to the feedlot. Sunny first came to BHR in 2013. After a settling in time we began to prepare Sunny for life in the human world. Sunny learned quickly, and when the time was right, Sunny was adopted by a wonderful woman and had a great home for seven years.

Sunny came back to Blue Horse Rescue in March 2022 and spent three months in training for a restart with the hope that this would bring her closer to finding a great home. While a sweet and friendly pony, Sunny held her wild soul close. This presented many challenges for her and with much thought and consideration it was decided that Sunny would not be a candidate for adoption.

As chance would have it the amazing group of ladies fostering Sunny at Wild Heart Restart Ranch, had a gelding with the similar challenges and then some. It just so happened that Sunny and this beautiful gelding were the best of buds! In September 2024 Sunny, along with her wild companion, were turned out together to live a much more natural life in a large space where they could roam and be true to their wild horse spirit. To see them together, living as they were born to live, just warms your heart and brings a smile to your face. Our hopes are they will continue to do well and live their lives out together on this beautiful land.

Sunny and herd-mate are checked on daily and come to the fence together to check in with the hope that there may be a carrot or some other goodie for them. Both are adapting to their new world and have done pretty well with the winter weather. Hay is supplemented when needed and vet checks, etc will be provided.

We look forward to the warmer Spring weather!

Sponsor Sunny

become a sponsor and help out with Sunny’s care through either a one time or monthly recurring donation!

thank you!