Calvin and Hobbes are about to start week two in QT. They remain in their small paddock while we make sure that they have not contracted some bizarre illness while at the Bowie Auction. During their time in auction they were exposed to horses, donkeys, etc from all over the US with unknown bugs. We don't know their history, or where they came from. We need to Qt them to get them healthy and also make sure that when they are transported from Texas to CA they do not infect any other horses or donkeys. We are also very committed to our foster moms - we don't want to share bugs with the equines in their new foster home. It's a tough time and very stressful time for Calvin and Hobbes, and we are always checking in to make sure that all is going well. Even the rescue process is very tough on our new kids. We are hoping to have Calvin and Hobbes castrated and wormed during the net week - no stress there!. Also, if doing well, they will be vaccinated for all bugs they may encounter between Texas and Ca. It's still a very tough time for these rescued mini donkeys but we are committed to getting them healthy and on their way to their safe landing, and relaxing time, with their amazing foster family. But, it's still a long process for them and we keep a close watch to make sure that all is going well. Fortunately, we have a great QT lady, Cindy, who shares info and pics. She has also quarantined our past ponies Bo, Belle and Bentley for us. While we count down the days, our hearts and prayers are with Calvin and Hobbes and we can't wait for the day they arrive in Ca where they can chill and recover from the past trauma of auction and finally get them on the road to healing. It's definitely a process for them. Fingers crossed for success in getting them on the road to an amazing new home.