Bo & Belle have been settling into life with their foster mom Katy and are beginning to relax and enjoy life. It has taken some time, but kudos to Katy for her patience and commitment to getting these two little ones to think about trusting us humans. Katy is truly an expert at what we call ‘ the black bucket days’!
Bo is a little more forgiving and tolerant while his sister Belle makes you work hard to earn her trust. She and her brother are now able to accept the halter (from Katy) and are enjoying time spent out in the round pen.
They’ve even made a new friend in another little one named Denali, and are really enjoying their play time and walks. Each baby step they make is really huge! They’re gradually shedding out their winter coats and teasing us with glimpses of a healthy shiny coat underneath - great to see, especially on Bo who had a nasty case of what looked like ring worm hiding under his very long winter coat. Again, a big thanks to Katy for the excellent care she took making sure that Bo was treated everyday - no easy job since Bo was more than happy to not be touched. They have definitely come a long way. It’s wonderful to see their noses over the stall door, and hear their little nickers when Katy shows up.