Out Exploring (and napping) with Molly and Mouse


Our two little cuties, Molly and Mouse, are both on antibiotics for a stubborn upper respiratory infection so while out exploring we allowed them nap time under the shade trees. They took full advantage of snooze time before continuing back to the barn - we are hoping they are feeling better and kicking up their heels real soon. The whole auction experience is really tough on these little, young ones.

Stop the Devil's Garden Wild Horse Round Up!

BHR attended the rally in Vallejo CA today that was put on by the American Wild Horse Campaign to stop the round up of 1,000 wild horses from the Devil’s Garden Wild Horse Territory by the US Forest Services. These beautiful wild horses could potentially face slaughter.

Learn more about the round up and what you can do to make your voice count, by visiting the AWHC website at: www.americanwildhorsecampaign.org

To keep updated on the Devil’s Garden Wild Horses, visit: https://americanwildhorsecampaign.org/media/devils-garden-wild-horses

Photos and videos of the Devil’s Garden round up: https://americanwildhorsecampaign.org/media/devils-garden-roundup-october-2018

Please share!

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Meet Molly and Mouse

Molly and Mouse are the two newest additions to Blue Horse Rescue. They came from the Bowie auction in Texas and we are so happy that they are spending their first night off the lot and safe with Lawrence in QT. They will be spending a month recovering and starting on their road to a safe, healthy and happy life.  Molly is a five year old mare and little Mouse is a two year old gelding. We can't wait to meet them in person and help these two cuties find great and loving homes. 

Check back for updates on their progress.

Sleep safe tonight little ones.