Bentley's First 48 Hours in his New Home!

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As always, (which is a great thing to see!), Bentley is settling in and open to everything his new home may bring! Everything from dinner in his new stall and paddock, to time out with the herd - that's a herd of nine!!!!  That's 'little-big' (his new nick name), along the fence line, but doing his diligence during the acceptance phase - not in everyone's space and face, but ... there. And he's doing great! Ray Berta was there on day #1 to help settle Bentley in, and so far it's been going great! Am I thrilled? Oh, yes!

Bentley's Home!

Congratulations Sharon and Bentley! I think Bentley has put his stamp of approval on his new home! So happy for you both, and many thanks for opening your heart and home to Bentley - he's a special, special pony!

Bentley's New Home

Great time on Saturday visiting with Bentley's new mom Sharon. Bentley will be living the life! Sharon is so excited and looking forward to Thursday when she and Ray Berta will be moving Bentley to his great new home. Bentley will be slowly introduced to his new herd (nine horses!) and begin settling into his amazing new life. There are lots of trails and ... Bentley may even get some beach time! I can't wait to hear about the move, and have been promised pictures which I'll definitely be sharing!

We send Bentley with much love to his new life and thank Sharon for giving Bentley a great new home and family. We look forward to hearing all about his adventures!

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Checking in on Bodhi

Heading home from Arizona today and I was so happy to get to visit with little Bodhi again. When I pulled up, Bodhi immediately came over to check out who had arrived. Pretty sure he was happy to see that it wasn't the vet, but he also looked sorta disappointed when he realized I wasn't bringing food either! Anyway, he was happy to get some attention and we had another good visit.

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Bodhi's eyes are looking very much better; still have a little bit of clearing up to do, but definitely a lot better. This week we did a fecal egg count and it came back extremely high which wasn't too much of a surprise, and Bodhi also had his vaccines. Next is worming and then we'll have his teeth floated (long over due!)  Bodhi has lost some weight, so we are making some gradual changes to his diet, but the key is deworming and teeth. Can't wait to see Bodhi feeling better again!

Meeting Bodhi

Today was the day that we finally met the latest addition to bhr - this pony has already won the hearts of many and I was very excited to meet him! Bodhi is presently in quarantine in Santa Clarita, Ca. So far, he is doing pretty good. He is quietly getting used to being in yet another new place and figuring out the routine. We know very little of Bodhi's history but he is approximately 12 years old and a miniature gelding. He definitely wins a prize for the thickest and longest mane and forelock! A very cute little guy, and friendly too.

Bodhi was seen by the vet three days after he arrived. He was off his feed and very lethargic. He checked out pretty good, or, as well as general neglect can check out. His eyes are both infected with a lot of drainage and crust below each eye - so Triple Antibiotic eye ointment twice a day has been added to his routine. Bodhi has no signs of respiratory infection which is good news, but does need some groceries for weight gain, worming is definitely needed,  vaccines and a dental as soon as he arrives at his new foster home.

So, we will now start getting Bodhi back to health again - and will see what each day brings. I hated to leave him today but will be back next week to visit again.

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Fingers Crossed for Bentley :)

Bentley looking healthy and all grown up. This little pony has come a long way, and will hopefully be taking just one more trailer ride to his new home in the very near future. More coming soon. Finger crossed! Bentley's forever home may be in the near future!

Bentley summer 2017

Getting Ready for Winter!

So happy to get a shelter up for KC at her new foster home with Jessie! Next we will be adding some gravel and mats for the mares, and we then we will be ready for winter! A big thank you to our wonderful foster mom, Christina for moving panels around, taking these great pics of the work in progress and generally being the go-to-girl, and also to Harrah's Shelters in Orland - they are very easy to work with and did a great job. We highly recommend them!

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Bodhi is on Safe Ground Tonight!

Today Bodhi began the next step in his journey to a new home. Unfortunately, he will be spending the next 30 days in quarantine just to make sure that he is healthy and doesn’t bring any ‘bug’s to his new foster family. He made the trip from Ontario to Santa Clarita, CA without any problems and the pics below show him checking out his new temporary home. A huge thank you to Cristina for hauling him through LA rush hour traffic and getting him safely to Santa Clarita, and also to Mary for quarantining Bodhi at her ranch. We look forward to meeting this little one early next week.

I can't wait for Bodhi's #89 tag to fall off. Shed that reminder little man and look to a great future!

KC Update - Pasture Time Try Out

It’s day two for KC with Jessie and Mariah so we thought that we would try a little pasture time. We let Jessie and Mariah out into the pasture and kept Mariah in her enclosure for a bit before deciding to let her make her way out into the pasture. She calmly headed out at a walk and made her way towards where Jessie and Mariah were grazing. They ignored her for a moment or two, but Mariah wasn't quite so sure about this new girl in their midst. She herded KC off and went back to grazing. KC headed over toward Jessie who, as of today, is the designated safe, friendly horse who offers security. There was a little bit of herding off by Mariah as KC tried to find her spot in the herd but it was generally pretty calm. It wasn’t until KC meandered down to where Mariah was grazing by herself, that things began to heat up a little. Unfortunately, since all three horses were near the fence line, Christina and I decided that human intervention was needed. Jessie and Mariah were haltered and led calmly back to their enclosures with KC trailing behind Jessie. 

We’ll take it slowly to safely integrate our 3 senior mares into a herd. No need to hurry.

Our Sweet KC Joins Jessie and Mariah

Today was a very exciting day for our sweet 32 year old mare KC. She said good bye to her foster mom, Torrie, to join a senior herd of mares with Christina B. Christina has been fostering our girl Jessie for the past two years and offered to take KC to join Jessie and her own senior mare Mariah. Christina enjoys taking care of the older horses and provides a loving home for them to live out their days and with lots of pasture space to keep those legs moving, great care and a huge amount of love, the horses thrive. We are blessed to have Christina offering our girls a family who loves them.

Not knowing how KC would load into the trailer we were blown away when she didn’t even hesitate and walked straight in - perfect! Although excited about where she was she backed out and calmly looked around. 

Bo and Belle with their new mom Sandy!

All of us at BHR are so thrilled and happy to see these two little ones in a really great home. Bo and Belle have come a long way since their bad time at the Bowie Livestock Auction in December 2015, They won hearts all the way from Texas to California. A huge thank you to all the folks that helped Bo and Belle out along the way - the Bo and Belle village was huge! Your kindness, enthusiasm and passion for these two little ones was amazing. And of course, Katy - what can I say? Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough!

So, as Bo and Belle move on to their forever home, we wish them well, send them with much love, and like each horse that has passed through Blue Horse Rescue, we thank them for all they have taught us; wonderful little teachers. We are so happy for you little ones, and we wish you a very happy life. Many thanks to Sandy and Frank for falling in love with Bo and Belle and giving them the loving home they so deserve! You made it a little easier to part with these little cuties!

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okay, so here's the back story behind pasture time for bo & belle

You know how everything suddenly smooths out with your horses and all is going well? There's a moment of almost near insanity where you take a deep breath and thank the spirit that is. I don't know about you but at that same time I am busy crossing my finger and toes. You have that fleeting happy thought quickly followed by "oh no, I didn't just think that"! While you enjoy the moment the next phone call is coming. Well, that's exactly what happened. All was going well and then I got the call that Belle was in trouble. Now, when Belle's foster mom calls with a concern, I pay attention. Belle could not have a more loving, efficient and knowledgeable foster mom, so if Katy is upset, I know we have a problem. Before I go any further, I will say that this has a happy ending but for a very long 48 hours our little Belle kept our hearts racing.

Always very anxious, Belle had worked herself up into a total panic. What caused this, we have no idea, but nothing would calm her - turnout time, walking in the orchard, Katy's bag of comforting and calming tricks - nothing would stop Belle's panic. To make a long story short, two vet calls later, sedated, hydrated, and vigilantly watched, it was decided that the only option we had was to turn Belle (along with Bo) out into the mare pasture to hopefully calm and sooth Belle's anxiety. Belle always showed great interest in the mare's so later that day it was turn out time with the mares.

All I can say is never underestimate the power of the herd. The mares quickly accepted the ponies into their herd and the change in Belle was amazing. She came into her stall that evening, willingly I might add, and was calm, hungry and ready to rest after a long day out with the big horses. Turn out time in the pasture with the big horses will now become a part of the ponies life, weather permitting, and we are hoping that this it what Belle needs to be happier and less anxious. Fingers are crossed but so far life is much calmer for Belle.

bentley - from stud colt to gelding

Blue Horse Rescue’s little man Bentley has been full of surprises since his arrival from Texas! He is quite the character and has charmed us all with his cute little pony self.

However, … when Matt (our wonderful hauler!), suggested quietly that we may want to keep an eye on Bentley because he was acting like a little stud muffin, it didnt take us long to figure out that our little kid was actually a little stud colt!

With only one testicle descended we were concerned that he may require a more extensive surgery. Bentley’s foster mom immediately called her vet to check out our little one. Since Bentley also needed a dental we thought we could do the dental and take advantage of the sedation to check out the testicle situation. To make a long story short, with a little sedation the second testicle descended and Bentley was able to not only have his teeth floated but was gelded as well.

It was a good day & Bentley did just great. His wonderful foster mom, Sandy, helped him thru the first 24 hrs with great care and he was soon feeling his playful self again. It’s now been nearly two weeks and he has healed well - no infection and no complications.

Plus, we found out that he is actually a little younger than we were told - we thought he might be 3 years old, but in reality, according to his teeth, he is about 18 months to two years old.

Looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Bentley!

bentley gets to hang out with his new friend carl

BHR's little brown pony, Bentley is finally enjoying time out in the paddock with his friend Carl! Bentley recently arrived from Texas and is ready to settle in and start making friends. So far so good - their first time out together went really well.

It's wonderful to see Bentley settling into his new foster home. I think he's claiming it as his own!