July 4th at Blue Horse Rescue

Happy 4th of July everyone - be safe!

So, while I spent the last year manifesting that everyone surrounding us would play nice and not set off fire works, you see how well that worked for me, the horses have all been quietly adjusting to life in a heavily urbanized area where police sirens, fire trucks, dirt bikes, loud cars, helicopters, trains and planes are the normal sounds. Not to mention extremely heavy winds throughout the year. But never would I have thought that they would all be calm and sensible with the July 4 fireworks going on. I can only think that as it built up the week before hand they gradually adjusted to it. I wish I had a secrete plan to share, but I don’t. Somehow it just worked out and all were sensible and safe. Pretty amazing! But, … just to be on the safe side I’ve already began manifesting a quiet July 4th in 2023. I’ll let you know how that goes!